Safeguarding Lead

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In the context of the Society of the Divine Word of the Irish British Province (SVD IBP), the position of the Safeguarding Lead carries the vital responsibility of promoting the overall health and wellbeing of the entire community. This responsibility encompasses the imperative duty of ensuring that every member of the community can lead a life free from harm and abuse. It is essential to note that this duty extends to anyone who may come into contact with the SVD IBP through its ministry, irrespective of their age or vulnerabilities.

Moreover, the role of the Safeguarding Lead extends to providing oversight and support to victim survivors, with a particular emphasis on amplifying their voices within the framework of all our safeguarding efforts. Collaboration with provincial and council members is also a crucial facet of this role, involving the supervision of policy development and the implementation of best practices. Additionally, the Safeguarding Lead will coordinate safeguarding training initiatives and offer guidance to all members of the SVD IBP, irrespective of their position within the organization.

For a comprehensive understanding, please refer to the attached document:

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