SVD in the World

Journey of Light: The Society of the Divine Word.

In the tapestry of time, there are threads of faith that shine brighter than the rest. They weave stories of commitment, compassion, and unwavering devotion. One such thread is the Society of the Divine Word, a name that resonates with a profound legacy of mission and service.

A Vision Born: The Society of the Divine Word

In the year 1875, on the 8th of September, a visionary named St. Arnold Janssen breathed life into a mission. From that moment, the Society of the Divine Word came into being, a testament to the power of one man’s faith and his belief in the greater good.

Many Names, One Mission

Known by various names – the Verbites, the Divine Word Missionaries, and the Steyler Missionaries – this congregation is more than a title; it’s a beacon of hope. Their mission transcends borders, cultures, and languages, embodying the universal message of love and service.

Carriers of Light: A Roman Catholic Mission

At its heart, the Society of the Divine Word is a Roman Catholic missionary religious congregation. Their mission is simple yet profound: to carry the light of faith to the farthest corners of the Earth. They stand as living testaments to the idea that faith has the power to transform lives and transcend boundaries.

A Global Family: More Than 6,000 Strong

As of 2020, this divine mission has touched the lives of over 6,000 dedicated members. Comprising priests and religious brothers, they work tirelessly in more than 70 countries. Each one carries the torch of faith, spreading the message of love, hope, and unity to every soul they encounter.

Guided by our Superior General: Rev. Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden SVD

Every great journey needs a leader, and for the Society of the Divine Word, that leader is Rev. Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden SVD. His guidance and unwavering commitment continue to steer this congregation toward new horizons of service and mission.

A Luminous Ending:

In a world filled with uncertainty, the Society of the Divine Word stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith and love. Their journey, born from the vision of St. Arnold Janssen, has touched countless lives and illuminated the darkest corners of the globe.

As they continue to carry the light of the Divine Word to every corner of the world, may their story remind us that, in faith, we find our true calling and the ability to be a beacon of hope in the lives of others. The Society of the Divine Word is not just a congregation; it’s a living testament to the transformative power of faith, and their light shines brightly in a world that often needs it most. 

Below is the Links to some SVD Websites from SVD in the World: